I'm an ally
to my users.
I'm an ally to my users.
I'm an ally to my users.
Product & UX Design Portfolio
Product & UX Design Portfolio
Product & UX Design Portfolio
My products are created from a place of thoughtfulness, respect, and passion; if there’s a problem that I’m passionate about, I will design a solution for it.
My products are created from a place of thoughtfulness, respect, and passion; if there’s a problem that I’m passionate about, I will design a solution for it.
My products are created from a place of thoughtfulness, respect, and passion; if there’s a problem that I’m passionate about, I will design a solution for it.
Mobile App
UI Design
Usability Testing
Designed to revolutionise the conception process by providing an inclusive experience that empowers both conceiving partners to co-learn, co-manage, co-plan and co-support.
Designed to revolutionise the conception process by providing an inclusive experience that empowers both conceiving partners to co-learn, co-manage, co-plan and co-support.
Designed to revolutionise the conception process by providing an inclusive experience that empowers both conceiving partners to co-learn, co-manage, co-plan and co-support.
Mobile App
UI Design
Usability Testing
Web Design
SaaS Testing
The Datlas platform used by MetroData employees, through which users can query analysis data, rapid creation of data visualization charts, task management, and other functions.
The Datlas platform used by MetroData employees, through which users can query analysis data, rapid creation of data visualization charts, task management, and other functions.
The Datlas platform used by MetroData employees, through which users can query analysis data, rapid creation of data visualization charts, task management, and other functions.
Web Design
SaaS Testing
VR Design
VR Design
End-to-End Design
End-to-End Design
Usability Testing
Usability Testing
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
MetroSkill VR is designed for high-functioning children with autism ages 7-16 to learn how to ride the metro alone and improve their social integration.
MetroSkill VR is designed for high-functioning children with autism ages 7-16 to learn how to ride the metro alone and improve their social integration.
MetroSkill VR is designed for high-functioning children with autism ages 7-16 to learn how to ride the metro alone and improve their social integration.
Design Thinking
Design Thinking
Design Thinking
Visual Design
Visual Design
Visual Design